The primary purpose of this book – published by the Australian Medical Council – is to provide, in a single source, information that is central to the professional, ethical and legal requirements of being a doctor. It covers a core curriculum for medical students, doctors in training and international medical graduates coming to work in Australia.
Written by two experienced medical practitioners and an experienced lawyer, this new edition has been extensively revised and expanded. It now addresses in detail the key elements of professionalism and what is required to be a good doctor.
Serious challenges to good medical care and to professionalism persist, and new ones have emerged. This edition has a chapter devoted to the topic of “Doctors, industry and conflicts of interest”. Other chapters address the new challenges posed by the use of electronic communication, the internet and social media, patient safety, adverse events and open disclosure of adverse events, and end-of-life care.
The publication expands on the Australian Medical Council (AMC) publication Anthology of Medical Conditions section entitled “legal, ethical and organisational aspects of clinical medicine” as related to the blueprint for the AMC examination for International Medical Graduates.
GOOD MEDICAL PRACTICE – Professionalism, Ethics and Law is an ideal core textbook for international medical graduates (IMGs), medical students and doctors in training. The publication is recommended reading for IMGs undertaking the AMC examination process.
It will also serve as a reference book for doctors in independent clinical practice and as a guide to medical regulators and lawyers, doctors, and community members who serve on performance and conduct panels and tribunals.
Please note that from July 2017, the Australian Medical Council (AMC) will incorporate contents of this book in the examinations.